`tXCAό` |
"Vins Fins Motohama" (@t@{l) is a Japanese-French company funded in April 2009.
Check the whole range of our [Consulting Activities, Communications and Courses].
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We have some experience with international business and trading. We also have some strong scientific academic background as well as multi-language skills (Japansese, French, English, Italian).
We help japanese or foreign companies or administration with with their businesses. For instance we help with writing and negociating import/export contracts.
We are used to communicating on various topics (see below) which range from very technical ones: International business, Marketing, Science and Technology, Politics... to more entertaining ones: Culture, History, Food and Wines... We can adress different kinds of audiences, from professionals or academics to general audience.
Follow the link to check our whole range of [Consulting Activities, Communications and Courses].
Wine import from France to Japan
This is our original business. We started in 2009.
We import directly from producers, store in our cellar in Kitakyushu.
We sell a top notch selection of wines to our clients and professionals.
According to our standards the majority of wines produced are not worth
we only buy what we think is outstanding quality.
We follow tightly our partner producers.
We are present 2 months per year in France and
usually attend harvests.
More on our wine activity... see below
Our shop
Event organisation
Wine seminars: there are regular events taking place usually in the Fukuoka-Kitakyushu area.
They are good opportunities for tasting and learning about wines, visiting good restaurants or
amazing places in Kyushu.
Check up on our event page.
Blog and review writing
We communicate extensively in French/English/Japanese via our blog.
We also wrote papers for the japanese Tenoma review.
Follow us on facebook if you are interested in wines and in our quest of good food and good places in Kyushu Japan and France.
Touring and courses in Europe
We bring people to France, a country that we know well.
We propose group trips.
We advise for visiting places, accomodations, restaurants, transport, etc...
We organise
courses with institutes and schools in France.
Trips to France 2012 and 2015 (blog):
Mont Blanc,
Burgundy Wine School in Beaune
French language classes.
You fancy language lessons? We do french lessons.
Our partners in Kokura are:
The Yomuri cultural center
Lawrence's school of English
You fancy french qualifications and trainings for french exams?
We organise exam sessions with the agency for the association for french teaching A.P.E.F. that is supported by the Science and Education Ministery of Japan.
Our passion
The terroirs of France. We like wines that reflect the nature of their soil, known as terroir in French. The concept of terroir is at the heart of the French wine culture. There are multiple official wine names in France (A.O.C.), each of them corresponding to a terroir and a particular taste and style. We offer exceptional terroir wines.
Our selection process
> We want wines which tastes reflect their origins: soil, climate, vintage rather
than the making process.
> All in all, we think than a good share -- 90%? -- of the wines produced are not worth drinking or importing.
We only select the best according to our standards.
> We visit winemakers to understand first hand their methods and vision. When we taste their wines and check that flavors reflect their work as expected.
> We have been working with knowledgable and talented winemakers who design classical wines, rather than exotic ones that are unrelated to the terroir.
> We prefer handcrafted wines rather than industrial ones.
We prefer small producers who take great care of their own limited number of barrels.
> We think the wine making process should be gentle with little but adequate human intervention in order to preserve the complexity of what Nature has created.
> We do not appreciate overworked wines. They are often designed to impress a targeted audience but in doing so they lose their complexity.
> According to our experience, we do think that technological tricks (carbonic macerations, micro-oxygenation, etc...) CANNOT produce any great wines. We do not like oak taste too...
Check our blog or
our forum and tasting notes or
technical discussions, etc...
Our prices
We buy directly from producers thus do not pay intermediaries. On the other hand there is a price for quality wines.
For instance handpicking and carefully selecting grapes has a cost far superior to a mechanical harvest.
It turns out that good bottles are never the cheapest ones...
Also careful transportation and storage are costly but necessary to preserve the wines' quality.
We do not cut corners in providing wines and offer them at a fair price.
Our advices
Many parameters can make the wine tasting experience successful:
> Different people have different tastes
> Good wines are sometimes fragile. They can be also be tricky: they have their own lives with highs and lows.
Anyway they are well worth the effort.
We are happy to guide you!
Yoko Motohama and Vincent Schmitt.